New Years Resolutions For Software Developers

Things I need to stop doing at work:

  1. Asking childless atheists how it feels to be a Darwinian failure.
  2. Referring to the PM as “Captain Timewaster” in team meetings.
  3. Putting a brown crayon streak down the middle of my manager’s guest chair.
  4. Using “Please God, let this code work for once” as a check-in comment.
  5. Sabotaging developers I compete against in the review process by recommending they invest the time required to master emacs.
  6. Recommending non-existent books to junior developers. No more “Object-Oriented Scheme” and “Design Patterns in Perl”
  7. Referring to UML diagrams as “finger-paintings created by the illiterate, for the illiterate.”
  8. Suggesting “Yippee-ki-yay Mother-f*****r” as a team motto.
Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?
I was thinking more along the lines of “Providing Scalable Enterprise Solutions, Mr. Cowboy.

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